My Startups

Fund2noticible event
2017 SeptemberBilliontoOne
Prenatal testing for every expecting motherRaises Series A

Raises Series B.

Raises 125M Series C
2017 OctoberLocus Biosciences
(series A)
CRISPR-Cas3 Biotech Drug DevelopmentAnnounces 818M deal

6B shot at making new antibiotics. WIRED

2022 35M financing round
2018 FebruaryOrphidiaUniversal Platform For All Blood TestsTechnically bankrupt.
2018 MarchMycroft AIAlternative to Amazon Alexa. OpensourceOperating
2018 OctoberWispD2C for preventing HerpesMy first real EXIT. 21x in 3 years

Public telemedicine company acquires WISP

2019 JanuaryFind a lawyerLawyers marketplaceBankrupt
2019 JanuaryEvoEstate (investor and founder)Real Estate investment platformMerged with InRento , where I remain shareholder

2019 MarchBikeepProtecting bikes from thieves. Saas for bike sharingOperating
2019 JuneNorthOne (seed)Online bank for Business in Canada (USA)Raises Series-A in 2020

2022 Raises 67M Series B. Tencent as lead investor
NOWYour startupNeed cash or web development services?Pitch me!
Fund 12014 - 2016
2014Wefunderexited with 7% roi
2014Soothe (seed round)Skipped Series A. Participated in series B. Skipped Series C
2014EnevoSkipped next round. Went Bankrupt after Series C.
2015Molekule (pre-seed)Raised multiple follow up rounds. (Seed, Series A, B) Did not invest bc did not have pro-rata rights. 2022 Raised a down round where my investment was divided by 16x
2016Revolut (Series A)Received 20x cash offer. Still holding position. After last private financing round my position had 300x return

Angel List investment returns on 2022 12 12. Does not include Revolut and some other investments

2017 August. Revolut. Attracted 66M investment at 420M valuation. I got a cash offer to sell my shares at x5. Decided to keep, because i believe Revolut can be 4-40 billion company. With exit from Wefunder and current Revolut and Soothe valuations i am close to break-even.

2018 Summer. Revolut is a unicorn valued at 1.7B. I get 20x cash offer and refuse because i think this can go up 20x more. It can beat Paypal (90B) valuation. Although there is big competition – Cash app from Square is the first one that comes to mind and is run by great founder.

2020 January. Revolut raises 500M at 5.5B valuation. My stake has ~50X value. I was right in 2017 when i said that Revolut can be worth 4-40B

2021 July. Revolut raises Series E and is valued at 33B. My stake has ±300x value.

Technically all my first startup fund is covered only by Revolut. Also my other companies , Italist and Soothe have great paper returns.

My mistake from Fund1 is that i put different amounts to different projects.

I am trying different investment vehicles / asset classes to find out where can i have the edge. Investing in startups was one of them 2014-2016. I have made 9 investments in startups via Angel List, Crowdcube, Seedrs (UK) and Wefunder.

Reading list:

Mentors and Advisors

Startup investing math

Steve Blank: how to raise money?

How to raise money? (Conditional clause)

How to raise money with cold emails?